The Mandalorian & Grogu Journeys to the Big Screen

Lucasfilm is bringing Mando and Grogu to the big screen. Filming begins this year and Jon Favreau is directing.

This is the way.

01.11.2024Tagged with:    

Blade Runner 2049 Making-Of Featurette

07.01.2017Tagged with:    

Blade Runner 2049 Trailer

Here’s hoping it’s as good as it looks (and it looks gorgeous).

05.08.2017Tagged with:    

The Last Jedi Teaser

04.15.2017Tagged with:    

Where Oscar Best Picture Nominees Are Liked Most

Interesting look at which area of the US each oscar nominee was most popular. Since studios don’t release that kind of information, Facebook “likes” were used to generate the maps.

We wanted to find out for a few reasons. There has been an increasing disconnect between films that are hits and films that Hollywood honors. The last three best picture winners (“Spotlight,” “Birdman,” “12 Years a Slave”) went unseen by most Americans, at least during their theatrical runs.

With the country so politically divided, we also wanted to know whether audience support for nominees fell along similar urban-rural or coastal-heartland fissures.

02.26.2017Tagged with:    

The Last Jedi

Star Wars: The Last Jedi

The official title of the next Star Wars film was announced today. Episode VIII will be called Star Wars: The Last Jedi, and will arrive in theaters on December 15, 2017.

01.24.2017Tagged with:    

Steven Soderbergh: Seen, Read 2016

All the movies, TV shows, books, and plays Steven Soderbergh saw and read in 2016.

I love this. I’ve been logging books and movies for most of this century, and it’s fun and humbling to look back at the list from time to time. I’ll need to live a very long time to get through all of the stuff I’d like to. Plus, it answers the occasional question, like “Did I read that?,” or “When was the last time I read/saw that?”

01.08.2017Tagged with:    

The Data Formats of Star Wars Suck

I liked Rogue One quite a bit. Still, there’s some silly stuff at the end. Spoilers ahead.

A key plot point in Rogue One is that the file size is so large that they need to commandeer a giant antenna and knock out a planetary shield in order to upload the files. But for some reason they can send regular communications just fine without doing either of those things?

What on earth is being stored on that magnetic tape cassette? Is it 5000 .bmp images loaded into slides in Powerpoint with accompanying animations? Why is DEATH_STAR_final_final__FINAL.dwg.doc.gif.pdf so big?

01.06.2017Tagged with:    

Pixar’s Finding Dory Trailer

11.13.2015Tagged with:    

Star Wars: The Force Awakens Supercut

Science vs. Cinema co-creator James Darling revisits his Star Wars: THE FORCE AWAKENS Supercut–incorporating all of the latest footage, including the 3 domestic trailers, the Comic-Con BTS reel, the new TV spot and the international trailer–to make the definitive #SuperDuperCut!

New trailer for The Force Awakens from Japan

Featuring new footage not included in the US version.

Alfonso Cuarón’s “Ikea”

Parody of director Alfonso Cuarón’s Gravity by Daniel Hubbard.

11.18.2013Tagged with:    

Star Wars in 3-D

Lucasfilm has announced plans to re-release all 6 films of the Star Wars franchise in the 3-D format. Industrial Light & Magic, the company Lucas created to pioneer the special effects in the first movie, will handle the painstaking conversion from the original 2-D.

The first film in this 3-D sequence, which 20th Century Fox will release in 2012, will be the 1999 prequel, “Star Wars: Episode I — The Phantom Menace,” meaning that fans will have to endure a 3-D Jar Jar Binks before they get to see a 3-D X-wing fighter assault on a 3-D Death Star.

I can’t say I’m surprised. Or excited.

New Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Trailer

There’s a new trailer out for the final Harry Potter installment. It’s to be released in two parts, with this first one coming out in November.

09.24.2010Tagged with:    

Airplane! is a parody of Zero Hour!

Much of the classic movie Airplane! is pulled directly from the 1957 film Zero Hour!, which features a fighter pilot named Ted Stryker who must land a plane after both original pilots are incapacitated by food poisoning, and includes the actual line “Looks like I picked the wrong week to quit smoking.”

05.27.2010Tagged with:    

Toy Story 3 Viral TV Spots

Pixar has produced fake vintage TV commercials for Lots-o’-Huggin’ Bear, one of the new characters in the upcoming Toy Story 3.

The Japanese version is here.

04.30.2010Tagged with:    

Star Wars Uncut

The editors at the Star Wars Uncut project have divided the first Star Wars movie into 15 second clips, which fans have recreated in a dizzying variety of styles and quality. Stitched together, the final product is a remake of the entire film, made from 473 independently produced pieces.

What follows is a 5 minute preview. The full film will be premiered at the CPH PIX film festival in Denmark.

04.13.2010Tagged with:    

The Thorn in the Side

Trailer for Michel Gondry’s new film, which stars his family.

03.25.2010Tagged with:    

Tron: Legacy Trailer

New trailer for the Tron sequel.

03.10.2010Tagged with:    

Why ‘Avatar’ is actually the 26th biggest movie

Yet one respect in which boxoffice reporting is pretty odd — emphasizing ticket grosses yet rarely mentioning ticket sales. That would be like always reporting how many ad dollars sold off “Lost” and not mentioning the number of viewers that actually watched the show. With everybody reporting how “Avatar” is The Biggest Movie of All Time based on grosses ($1.859 billion and counting), it’s important to remember how rising ticket prices skew the returns.

Totally agree. Counting tickets sold is the only way to go. And until you get 200 million people to leave their house to go see your movie, Gone With the Wind is going to be number 1.

01.27.2010Tagged with:    
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